analysis (including 7th chords)
The following steps serve as
a guide for harmonic analysis of a composition.
1. |
the key and the mode. |
Hint: The key signature
narrows the choice of keys to one major key and its relative
minor. Most compositions stress the tonic at the beginning of
a piece either by beginning on tonic or quickly progressing
from the dominant to tonic. Also, most compositions will end
on tonic. |
2. |
each chord in the respective key and indicate its position (root
or inversion). |
If necessary, rewrite each
chord in close root position. Label each chord with the appropriate
Roman numeral and figured bass. 7th chords will be included
in these exercises along with triads. |
3. |
Circle and label all
nonharmonic tones. |
Any note that is not part of the chord should
be circled and labeled (PT, NT, Susp., Ant., App.). |
Analyze the following excerpt that includes inversions, 7th chords
and nonharmonic tones:
