Lesson 6

Practice Drills
ID all intervals
writing intervals


Sample Exam



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In this lesson we are going to continue our study of intervals, but include intervals with accidentals, compound intervals and interval inversions.


Intervals with accidentals

If you can determine the size and quality of natural intervals, you can identify and write the more complex intervals that use accidentals. You do this by relating them to their natural spellings. Follow the line of reasoning slowly and carefully as formulated in the next three rules. Although these may look like simple concepts, this is an area where many students make mistakes. It might be worth your while to have this page open while you work on the printable PDF practice drills for this lesson.

Rule 1
If you raise or lower both notes of an interval the same distance, the quality of the interval remains the same.

Rule 2
If you (a) raise only the higher note or (b) lower only the lower note, the interval increases in size.

Rule 3
If you (a) lower only the higher note or (b) raise only the lower note, the interval decreases in size.

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