As noted in the first section of this lesson, the major scale can
be transposed (moved) to a location other than C. The process
of constructing a major scale can be simplified by the use ofkey signatures. If
the accidentals (sharps or flats) necessary to create the correct
pattern of whole and half steps of a scale are moved to the beginning
of the staff, immediately to the right of the clef, a key
is created. Following is an A flat major scale using accidentals.
When you select the "Play" button, the accidentals will
move to the left to create a key signature. Push "Reset"
to return to the original scale using accidentals.
The use of key signatures eliminates the
tedious chore of writing sharps or flats before each note to be
raised or lowered.
Because there are seven letters (A-G) to
our musical alphabet, there are seven flat and seven sharp key signatures
along with the key of C (which has no sharps or flat). Following
are the major key signatures in the treble, bass, alto and tenor
key signatures:
key signatures:
Looking at the examples above, notice that
each key signature is formed by adding one flat or sharp to the
preceding key signature. Therefore, if you memorize the order
of all seven flats and all seven sharps, you will be able to write
all the key signatures.
Memorize the letter names of the flats in their order
of appearance in key signatures. The first four
flats spell the word "bead." The last
three (G C F) might be remembered as, "Gee, see
E A D G C F (order
of flats)
Memorize the letter names of the sharps in their order
of appearance in key signatures. The order of
the sharps is the exact reverse of the flats.
(order of sharps)
It is also necessary
that you can quickly notate the pattern of
sharps and
flats in the key signatures in the treble, bass, alto
and tenor clefs. The vertical and horizontal
of sharps or flats in a key signature is significant.
They should always be in the same order left
to right
(as noted above and shown below) and on the same lines
or spaces as shown below (not an octave higher
or lower). The flats follow a similar pattern
in all four clefs. The sharps have a similar
pattern in three clefs (treble, bass and alto),
but notice a different pattern in the tenor
clef below.
From the "Note-ables",
print out a page of blank manuscript paper. Then
practice writing all seven sharps and seven flats
in both the treble and bass clefs until you can
do this task quickly and easily. Be sure you retain
the correct order of the accidentals and place
them on the correct lines and spaces as shown below:
for identifying major key signatures:
Locate and name the last sharp
of the key signature (the sharp farthest to the right).
In a major key, the last sharp is the seventh
pitch of the scale, so the key name is the next letter
name and is located one half step above on the next line
or space.
Locate and name the last flat of the key
signature (the flat farthest to the right).
In a major key the right hand flat is the
fourth pitch of the scale, so the key name is located
by counting up to 1 (8) from 4 (or down to 1 from 4).
If there are two or more flats
in the key signature, the key name is the next to the
last flat.
Three key signatures that are helpful to memorize are C major,
Cb major and C# major: