The term chromatic
comes from the Greek word chroma, meaning "color."
A diatonic scale consists of seven (out of twelve possible) pitches
within an octave. The chromatic scale
uses all twelve pitches within an octave, using all the "colors,"
so to speak.. Note in the example below that sharps are used to
notate the ascending chromatic scale; flats to notate the descending
scale. This avoids the necessity of using natural signs to cancel
previous accidentals.
chromatic scale

When writing a chromatic scale, avoid the
mistake of repeating a note in the chromatic scale where the natural
half steps occur. In the following example, E# is the enharmonic
equivalent to F; B# is the enharmonic equivalent to C. E# and B#
should not be included in the chromatic scale. Also, note that a
chromatic scale can begin on any pitch.
notation of a chromatic scale

Following is the famous "Habanera"
from Bizet's opera Carmen. Each melodic phrase begins with
a chromatic descent.