Lesson 3
Major scales

Practice Drills
scale building
ID major keys
PDF Drills L3





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Creative Project A

Compose three (3) melodies using Finale NotePad according to the following parameters:

Melody 1  
  • It must be 8-16 measures long.
  • Place it in the treble clef.
  • It must be in 4/4 meter.
  • Base this melody on a diatonic mode of your choice except Ionian (major) or Aeolian (minor).
  • You may use the timbre of your choice (except piano).
  • Begin and end your melody on tonic (first note of the scale).
Melody 2  
  • It must be 8-16 measures long.
  • Choose the viola as the instrument. What clef is used for the viola?
  • It must be in 3/4 meter.
  • Base this melody on one of the following scales:
    12-tone row
  • IMPORTANT! In your title, state which scale you are using for your melody.
Melody 3  
  • It must be 8-16 measures long.
  • Place it in the bass clef.
  • You may use the meter of your choice (except 3/4 or 4/4).
  • Base this melody on a major scale of your choice (except C major). Use a key signature.
  • You may use the timbre of your choice (except piano).
General directions for all melodies
  • Title each melody as "Creative Project A: Melody 1," "Creative Project A: Melody 2," etc..
  • Your name, of course, should be the composer's name.
  • Include a tempo marking for each melody.
  • Include articulation (staccato/slur).
  • Include various dynamic markings.
  • Each melody should involve a different timbre.
  • LISTEN to what you have composed. Do not submit your creation until you are satisfied with the way it sounds.
  • Be CREATIVE and have FUN!

When you have completed recreating these examples, save each as a Finale NotePad file and send them to the instructor as an e-mail attachment. Name each file by the project name and your name. Include both your first and last names with your last name first. Please follow the example for uppercase/lowercase letters:

Example: CPA Mel1 LastFirst

Your instructor may wish for you to print your project and submit a hard copy.

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