Lesson 4
Minor scales

Practice Drills
minor scales






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Identify Minor Key Signatures Drill

There is a good site on the internet for various music theory drills. A link to its drills is found at the bottom of this page. Perhaps you already have it bookmarked. We are merely visiting the site for the practice drills.

When you go to the site, you will find a "Settings" button (left side) for setting up the drill to meet your present needs. Following Lesson 4, I recommend you use the following settings:

Only minor keys (to begin with--eventually work with both Major and minor)

Sharps and flats (at least this is your eventual goal)

7 accidentals (again, your eventual goal)

Ask relative Maj, min (your eventual goal will be to rattle off relative keys)

Tell me Maj/min (of course you could choose playing a Maj/min chord or Maj/min scale to see how well your ear works)

Go to Internet Key Signature Drill

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