The process of rewriting or performing a melody or
composition in a different key than the original is called transposition.
Transposition is an essential skill for singers who wish to perform
a piece in a more comfortable range, and it is a skill required
for accompanisits, composers, and some instrumentalists.
If you want to transpose a melody
from b to d minor (up a minor third), you would write every note
up a third and add the new key signature (1 flat instead of 2 sharps).
If there are any accidentals, you must determine how they affect
the specific scale degree, and then add an accidental that functions
the same way in the new key. Look at the following Slovakian melody
in b minor. Then compare it with the same melody transposed up a
minor third into the key of d minor.
Now you try it. Transpose the
same melody down an augmented 5th into the key of Eb minor
and place it into the bass clef! Be careful of the accidental on
the second note.
