Lesson 9
Harmony I

Practice Drills


Project C



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Creative Project C

This project involves harmonizing a given melody.

Harmonize a melody

In this exercise, you will harmonize the following melody:



  1. Determine the key and mode of this melody.
  2. On a separate sheet of paper, write the primary triads for this key as found in Lesson 9, Topic 5, "Harmonization."
    Tonic (root)--Subdominant (2nd inversion)--Dominant (1st inversion)
    These are the chords you will use for your harmonization.
  3. I have marked with an"X" each place in the melody you should have a chord. You need to analyze the melody to determine which primary triad would fit best with the notes of the melody harmonized by that chord. For example, most of the notes in the first full measure of the melody belong to the tonic triad (Eb - G - Bb). The "nonharmonic" tone of that measure is F and functions as a neighbor tone.
  4. Create a score with at least two instruments. Input the melody (including all markings) into one of the instrument staves. The chords of the accompaniment can be written for a single instrument such as piano, or split into three different instruments (e.g., the top note of each chord is given to a violin, the middle note given to a viola, and the bottom note given to a cello). Notice that the first chord accompanies the entire first measure of melody. Your accompaniment chord should have a note value that lasts the entire measure (dotted half note), or in some measures, half the measure (dotted quarter note).
  5. When you are satisfied with your arrangement. Analyze the melody again for nonharmonic tones. Every note of the melody should either be a member of the triad or a noharmonic tone (passing tone or neighboring tone).
  6. Use the "solution to the German song accompaniment" found in topic 5 ("Harmonization") of Lesson 9 as a model for this project.
General directions
  • Title this exercise as "Creative Project C."
  • Your name,of course, should be the composer's name (or arranger's name).
  • LISTEN to what you have composed. Do not submit your creation until you are satisfied with the way it sounds.
  • Be CREATIVE and have FUN!

When you have completed this project, save it as a Finale NotePad file and send it to the instructor as an e-mail attachment. Name the file by the project name and your name. Include both your first and last names with your last name first. Please follow the example for uppercase/lowercase letters:

Example: CPC LastFirst

Your instructor may wish for you to print your project and submit a hard copy.

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