Lesson 7

Practice Drills
Id Triads
write triads



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Triad qualities

Like intervals, triads vary in the quality of their sound, depending on the specific thirds used in their construction. The terms used to designate triads are major, minor, diminished and augmented. As with intervals, we can use uppercase and lowercase abbreviations to refer to the quality of the triad. Listen to the sound of each quality of triad.

M = major
m = minor
d = diminished
A = augmented

It is important you learn the four types of triads and understand how they are constructed. In each case, it is the quality of the third above the root and the quality of the fifth above the root that determine the overall quality of the triad.

major triad = M3 + P5

minor triad = m3 + P5

diminished triad = m3 + d5

augmented triad = M3 + A5

Quickly being able to recognize and write major 3rds, minor 3rds, and all 5ths will obviously help with this lesson since those are the intervals used to construct triads. The following examples show the thirds that are minor, followed by the thirds that are major. Notice the similarity with the order of flats in a key signature (B E A D G C F)! If you learn to recognize these thirds instantly, your life will be much easier when dealing with triads.

  • Natural thirds built on B, E, A, and D are minor.

  • Natural thirds built on G, C, and F are major.

  • Also, remember that all natural 5ths are perfect except B-F (which is diminished).


Some students find it helpful to memorize the qualities of the "natural" triads; that is, those without accidentals. Notice that the roots follow the order of flats in key signatures.

diminished triad:

minor triads:

major triads:


If the natural triads are memorized, then you can quickly determine the types of thirds and fifths involved and add accidentals as necessary when writing triads. You can also determine how accidentals change the size of thirds and fifths when determining the quality of triads.

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