Lesson 1 focused on the notation of pitch in music. This
lesson deals with the notation of rhythm, or duration. We
have already seen how notes are used to represent pitches. Notes
also serve to specify the length of time (duration) a pitch is to
be sustained and to indicate relative durations.
Rhythm deals with movement in time. Specifically, it is the
pattern of durations found in music. Notes
are symbols representing the relative duration, or length, of a
sound. The rhythms we hear are indicated by the notes we see. The
relative length of a note is determined by its appearance which
might include the notehead
(open or solid), stem,
or flag(s).

The use of particular types of notes makes it possible to specify
the precise length of time a sound should be heard and indicates
relative durational values. Following are the various note types
and their respective names.
types and note names
Rhythms are defined by mathematical ratios.
Your knowledge of fractions might help you better understand
these values. For example: