Lesson 1
Pitch Notation

Practice Drills
piano keyboard




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Enharmonic equivalents

Notes that represent the same pitch, but are located on a different line or space (thus having a different letter name), are called enharmonic equivalents. Roll your mouse over the keyboard to see that G sharp and A flat both represent the same key on the piano.

enharmonic equivalents  

In other words, every note on the piano keyboard can be "spelled" at least two different ways. Notice the white keys can be spelled three different ways!

It is important that you understand the concept of enharmonics for future lessons. Although the same note on the piano, enharmonics such as Ab/G# are different in music notation (on the staff).

Diatonic vs. chromatic half steps

A diatonic half step has different letter names (e.g., C to Db).

A chromatic half step has the same letter names (e.g., C to C#).

Roll your mouse over the staff to see the same half step written (spelled) as a chromatic half step.

(The terms "diatonic" and "chromatic" will be revisited in a later lesson dealing with scales.)