Lesson 1
Pitch Notation

Practice Drills
piano keyboard




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Piano keyboard

Although this course does not include keyboard performance (e.g., learning to play the piano), familiarity with the keyboard will greatly enhance and make easier the study of music theory.

As you go to the right on the keyboard, the pitches go up. Conversely, as you go to the left the pitches go down. Click on a section of the keyboard below to hear some of the pitches in that area. It may take a while for both the movie and sound to load.


Notice the pattern of black keys in alternating groups of twos and threes spanning the entire keyboard. This pattern will serve as an orientation for the location and letter names of all notes.

The note "C" is always the note immediately left of the group of two black keys.

The note "F" is always the note immediately left of the group of three black keys.


Learn to recognize quickly the letter names for the appropriate white keys on the piano keyboard. The Piano Keyboard Drill will help you master this skill.

"Middle C" is the C located closest to the center of the keyboard.