Lesson 10
7th chords

Practice Drills
ID all 7th chords
write 7ths root



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Go to "note-ables"

Directions: Written Assignments for Lesson 10

  • After completion of the reading assignment and satisfactory mastery of the Practice Drills for Lesson 10, you are prepared to complete the written assignments.
  • Each assignment is a PDF document which you need to print.
  • Complete the assignment in pencil. It is suggested that you do NOT refer to lesson material or "Note-ables" for help. This will allow you to get a more accurate idea of how well you really comprehend the material.
  • After you have fully completed the written assignment, meticulously check it against the KEY if available (which is also a PDF document that can be printed).
  • It is important that you follow these directions carefully. Although these written assignments are not included in your course grade, the material contained within them will be similar to that found in the Midterm and Final Exams. The exams will be "pencil and paper" exercises just as these written assignments are. It is your responsibility to prepare yourself properly for the exams.


Click on one the following to open and print the appropriate assignment:
Written Assignment 10.1   Key to WA 10.1
Written Assignment 10.2   (no key)


Written Assignment 10 (Enrichment)
  Key to WA 10 (Enrichment)
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