Lesson 5

Practice Drills
ID intervals
writing intervals



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Writing Intervals

There is a good site on the internet for various music theory drills. A link to its drills is found at the bottom of this page. You may want to bookmark it for future reference. We are merely visiting the site for the practice drills.

When you go to the site, you will find a "Settings" button for setting up the drill to meet your present needs. Following Lesson 5, I recommend you use the following settings:

Build Intervals on Staff

No Accidentals on Starting Note

Ask Only General Interval

Ascending and Descending Intervals

Check the boxes for all intervals (probably the default)

If you feel up to a challenge, you might change "Ask Only General Interval" to "Any Type of Interval" and select "Ascending Intervals Only." Because the lower note will never have an accidental, you can determine the quality of the "natural" interval (no accidental), then determine how the size of the interval needs to change in order to create the requested interval, and finally choose the appropriate accidental that would result in the correct interval. If all else fails, you can always select the button "Give Up."

Interval Building Drill

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