The Art of Music


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Music and sound

What is music?

The common definition of music is a form of art in which sound is organized in time. Keep in mind that the definition of art implies organization by a human being--not organization (however beautiful) found in nature. This organization is the foundation of what we consider to be music theory. Composers, performers and listeners of music all need to understand the basic principles of music theory in order to maximize the musical experience. The composer creatively organizes the musical elements into a work of art, the performer creatively interprets and communicates this organization, and the listener creatively receives it and organizes it into a music experience. You can easily understand why a comprehension of music theory is so essential to the art of music.

What is sound?

Vibrating objects set air in motion, which in turn causes the air to move in waves. Sound is the sensation perceived by the mind when the sound waves reach the ear. There are four properties of sound:

  • Pitch: The highness or lowness of a sound

  • Intensity: The loudness or softness of a sound

  • Duration: The length of a sound

  • Timbre: The unique quality of the sound (tone color)

In music, as in all art, organization is critical to the creative process. In the following sections, we will explore the basic elements of music composers use in their design and organization of sound in time.