maxgputemp 80 globalminer claymore stratumproxy enabled proxywallet 0xBb247a682B5D42ac60907904e18d837baa384Fc9 proxypool1 flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200 globalfan 60 #globalcore 1200 #globalmem 2000 #globalpowertune 6 # ethOS Pool: # # QUICK START GUIDE: # # Read the ethOS knowledge base, a useful guide to getting set up: # Read the ethOS changelog for version information and latest changes: # # NOTE: Everything with a hashtag/poundsign is a comment, and is ignored by all scripts. # NOTE: There is no email or skype support for ethOS. Please see the 'Getting Support' section of the ethOS knowledge base. # WARNING: Using apt-get to upgrade, update, and/or install packages is unsupported and will likely break ethOS. # # GLOBAL CONFIG SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO ALL RIGS, ALSO WORKS IN SINGLE RIG MODE # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # globalminer ethminer # maxgputemp 85 # stratumproxy enabled # proxywallet 0x0bdC4F12fB57d3acA9C3cF72B7AA2789A20d27f2 # proxypool1 # proxypool2 # flags --farm-recheck 200 # globalcore 1000 # globalmem 1250 # globalfan 90 # globalpowertune 20 # autoreboot false # custompanel publicsecret # lockscreen enabled # globaldesktop disabled # ------------------------------------------------------ # # EXPLANATION OF SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO ALL RIGS # If using "pool" parameter, write WORKER (a placeholder variable) in place of rig name (i.e. NOT rig1, myrig, home, warehouse2, etc). # # globalminer: set global miner (ethminer, sgminer-gm, claymore, zcash-miner, optiminer-zcash, sgminer-gm-xmr, claymore-zcash # maxgputemp: the temperature in C that your GPUs will trigger the miner to turn off # stratumproxy: enabled/disabled/miner/nicehash (enabled by default; disabled: pool option, nicehash: nicehash support, miner: internal miner proxy) # proxywallet: the address to which this rig's proxy will mine (only used if stratumproxy is not disabled) # proxypool1: stratum proxy's first pool (only used if stratumproxy is not disabled) # proxypool2: stratum proxy's failover pool (only used if stratumproxy not disabled) # flags: set desired flags here, the defaults are known good working # globalcore: set the global core clock of all GPUs # globalmem: set the global mem clock of all GPUs # globalfan: set the fan speed percent (0-100) # globalpowertune: set the power tune setting of all GPUs (r9 290/x/390/x should use 50, rx series should use 4-7 depending on overclock, all others should be 20) # autoreboot: set to a number (autoreboot 3), allow rigs to autoreboot if they soft crash (max of 3 reboots, run clear-thermals to reset counter) # custompanel: set panel ID, exactly 12 characters, first 6 is your preferred panel ID, last 6 is your private key # lockscreen: lock the ethOS desktop upon boot # globaldesktop: login prompt user/pass is ethos/live, set ethOS to headless mode by setting like "globaldesktop disabled" (only works for RX/AMDGPU) # pool: only used with stratumproxy disabled, use this if you have a network proxy or getwork pool (example: ) # # PER-RIG STYLE CONFIG SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO INDIVIDUAL RIGS (AND THEIR RESPECTIVE INDIVIDUAL GPUS) # NOTICE: c94e13 is a SAMPLE rig/[worker]/hostname, change it to the rig/[worker]/hostname of YOUR RIG # NOTICE: Your rig/[worker]/hostname names are assigned automatically by the OS, do not change them # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [worker] [gpu0 value] [gpu1 value] [gpu2 value] [gpu3 value] [gpu4 value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # cor c94e13 950 1000 1050 1025 980 # mem c94e13 1250 1500 1500 1250 1250 # fan c94e13 90 80 85 100 70 # pwr c94e13 10 20 15 15 20 # vlt c94e13 0 1.118 0 0 1.118 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [worker] [value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # miner c94e13 ethminer # flg c94e13 --cl-local-work 256 --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200 # mxt c94e13 70 # reb c94e13 1 # loc c94e13 d3 # sel c94e13 1 2 4 # off c94e13 # driverless c94e13 enabled # desktop c94e13 disabled # ------------------------------------------------------ # # EXPLANATION OF SETTINGS FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGS # # cor [worker]: set the core clock of individual GPUs on a single rig # mem [worker]: set the mem clock of individual GPUs on a single rig # fan [worker]: set the fan speed of individual GPUs on a single rig # pwr [worker]: set the powertune of individual GPUs on a single rig # vlt [worker]: set the voltage (EXPERIMENTAL, MAY NOT WORK!) of individual GPUs on a single rig # miner [worker]: set miner (ethminer, sgminer-gm, claymore, zcash-miner, optiminer-zcash, sgminer-gm-xmr, claymore-zcash # flg [worker]: set the flags of a single rig (applies to all GPUs on the rig) # mxt [worker]: set the maxgputemp of a single rig (applies to all GPUs on the rig) # reb [worker]: increment this value (example: 4 becomes 5) and the single rig will automatically reboot within 10 minutes # loc [worker]: set a maximum 8-letter code for rack/location information on a single rig (each rig MUST have a different code, or it will not report to panel) # sel [worker]: set the GPUs that should mine, default is no sel flag set, all GPUs may mine) # off [worker]: do not start the miner on boot (no such thing as "on", remove entire line to let miner start) # driverless [worker]: login prompt user/pass is ethos/live, force the rig to boot without graphics driver, for debugging purposes (this will turn off mining) # desktop [worker]: login prompt user/pass is ethos/live, set ethOS to headless mode by setting like "desktop [worker] disabled" (only works for RX/AMDGPU) # # PER-BIOS STYLE CONFIG SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO CLASS OF GPU, BASED ON GPU BIOS NAME # DO NOT USE IN SINGLE-RIG MODE # NOTICE: 113-C6711101-100 is a SAMPLE GPU bios name, change it to the GPU bios name of YOUR GPU # NOTICE: For a list of GPU bioses, click the "GPU bioses" link in your stats panel # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [bios name] [value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # cor 113-C6711101-100 1050 # mem 113-C6711101-100 1250 # fan 113-C6711101-100 100 # pwr 113-C6711101-100 50 # vlt 113-C6711101-100 1.118 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # SAMPLE RX 400 SERIES CONFIG # # If you have global configs defined for fglrx rigs, you must use individual rig configs for rigs that have RX 400 series GPUS. # # KNOWN GOOD WORKING GLOBAL CONFIG FOR AMDGPU # NOTE: globalpowertune is DPM state range 0-7, set lower for lower power usage, set higher if overclocking. # ------------------------------------------------------ # globalpowertune 5 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # SAMPLE PER-RIG CONFIG FOR AMDGPU (for a 6-gpu rig) # NOTE: pwr is DPM state range 0-7, set lower for lower power usage, set higher if overclocking. # ------------------------------------------------------ # cor c94e13 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 # mem c94e13 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 # pwr c94e13 7 7 7 7 7 7 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # IN MULTI-RIG MODE, EXAMPLES OF MULTIPLE POOLS/WALLETS/PASSWORDS # You can define your pool information globally. Then, your per-rig miner will retrieve the parameters. # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [miner]=[parameter] value # ------------------------------------------------------ # claymore-zcash=proxypool1 # claymore-zcash=proxypool2 # claymore-zcash=proxywallet t1XQgP5zCG8C3vMhCsDnwUkMnEtnJEqj5NK # claymore-zcash=poolpass1 x # claymore-zcash=poolpass2 x # # sgminer-gm=proxypool1 # sgminer-gm=proxypool2 # sgminer-gm=proxywallet 0x0bdC4F12fB57d3acA9C3cF72B7AA2789A20d27f2 # sgminer-gm=poolpass1 x # sgminer-gm=poolpass2 x # # ------------------------------------------------------ # # REMOTE REBOOT NOTES # # You are able to reboot remotely. Start with "1" (no quotes) to reboot a rig. # Then, if you want to reboot again, increment it to 2, then 3, then 4, etc etc (never skip any numbers). # # SAMPLE XMR CONFIG (note: the wallet and payment id is long, there are no line breaks) # ------------------------------------------------------- # globalminer sgminer-gm-xmr # sgminer-gm-xmr=proxypool1 # sgminer-gm-xmr=proxypool2 # sgminer-gm-xmr=proxywallet 47sghzufGhJJDQEbScMCwVBimTuq6L5JiRixD8VeGbpjCTA12noXmi4ZyBZLc99e66NtnKff34fHsGRoyZk3ES1s1V4QVcB.1025069329a4ae653c8a2bcde9302ab0eedee29d0e9ff2a144cea5951a47f81c # sgminer-gm-xmr=poolpass1 x # sgminer-gm-xmr=poolpass2 x # ---------------------------------------------------------